Miss Farrant's Maths Class

This tab is to share the new strategies we are learning in class. This term we are focusing on multiplication and division strategies. Have a look at our learning

Term 3
We have changed maths classes this term. Our focus this term will be around fractions.
Student videos 
We have been focusing on 3 main areas of fractions :
1. Finding a fraction of a shape
2. Finding a fraction of a set
3. Putting fractions in order of size.

Have a look at some of the student videos.

Angus' group video
Holly R, Logan and Calum - Fractions of a shape.

Teacher tools videos - The following videos have been shared with the students to watch. We have been using them in class.
Strategy 5: Fractions Circle
Strategy 4: Birthday Cakes 2
Strategy 3: Birthday Cakes
Strategy 2: Animals
Strategy 1 : Fair Shares
Family of facts
We have been refreshing our memories about our family of facts. Here are some videos to show our learning. Click on the links to see the videos. You will need to do this through a google account.
Jonty and Lia Family of facts
Chili's Group
Jessica and Emma's Group

Term 2 
Strategy 2 - Multiplying tens

Consolidating the strategy 'Multiplying tens'

To make sure we understand this new strategy, we have been coming up with our own assessment tasks.
The tasks had to:
- Use the strategy we had been learning.
- Be a word problem, like a Figure It Out.
- Be challenging

We also had to make sure we knew the answer and could show the working out.

We gave our tasks to buddies and assessed them using it.
This was super fun!

Kenzie and Hazel using this weeks Figure It Out task
to design their own
Robert and Kohen thinking hard about their
assessment task
Have a go at some of our problems!


Strategy one - Fun with 5's 
Last week we learnt this strategy. I shared the following video with the students.

Some of the students, watched the video and then became experts at teaching this strategy. Here are some photos of the students teaching their peers.

We created our own educational videos to share with others on this strategy. Not only does it help others, but we had to make sure we understood the strategy so we could teach it.


  1. This is great keep shearing the good knowledge..good work guys! Love to all Aileen

  2. You sure are good at teaching this strategy. Well done! Sara

  3. mmmm... very hard sums

  4. Dear Room K- Room 6 watched your videos and you did a great job explaining the new maths strategies. We love this idea and are going to start doing this Term 3. Perhaps you can watch our videos!
